
Friday, August 6, 2010

Gypsy Whine

Beachy morning weather burns off to muggy sunshine afternoons for two weeks now.
I've been in bed for most of a week nursing my much abused body.
Lesson # one thousand nine hundred and blah, blah, blah; when you wake up with back pain on a market day it is NOT ok to take 2 acetaminophen, 10 cups of coffee and tough it out. 

So it's August already.
The vegetable garden is pathetic.
I'm supposed to be on THE birthday roadtrip.
I've let several markets slip on by.
My horoscope for this month is lousy.
I haven't seen the ocean in what feels like a year.
The dog is bored with me laying around.
The cool weather is getting my artsy juices flowing, but my artspace is buried under market merchandise.
I've watched netflix on my laptop til my eyes crossed.

Looking forward to whole health soon.
It hasn't been ALL bad, lounging in your bed all day, sleeping when you're tired and no responsibilities to fulfil are a good recipe for deep healing.

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