
Friday, January 9, 2009

Local Deliveries This Weekend

My car's due out of the shop sometime today, and as you can see I'm caught counting my chickens before they've hatched. Did I mention I've been without my car since Dec 18th ?
I hate to admit it but I'm attached. I've grown up knowing that wheels = freedom (as long as you can pay for upkeep). I've wrestled with seperation anxiety, depression, grief over the loss of my car !!! Don't jugde me, lol.
So, I'll be making supply deliveries to those souls in need of handmade hats, sage smudge, incense, teas and tapestries (and whatever else your heart desires) this weekend (and maybe the early part of next week to fit everyone in). If you need something and wanna know if I'm coming to your neck of the woods, just send me an email and I'll respond shortly.

1 comment:

SHI said...

Congrats on finally getting your car back!

~Miss your smiling face!